New Zealand Beekeeping Inc (NZBI) are hoping it’s ‘third time lucky’ on Saturday August 20, with a Beekeeper’s Day Out Seminar scheduled in the Waikato. The industry body has planned two similar events in the region in recent years, but both have had to be cancelled due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
This time around they hope up to 150 people will make their way to the Hautapu Hall, just outside Cambridge, for a full day of presentations and socialising. The programme has several scientists speaking to a range of beekeeping issues, with practical beekeeping sessions as well and industry updates.
With Apiculture New Zealand’s conference having taken place in Christchurch this winter, NZBI wanted to provide an opportunity for beekeepers to gather further north.
“A lot of beekeepers haven’t had that day to really socialise, talk and pick up new things,” NZBI president Jane Lorimer says.

“So, we are going to go for it and make it happen. Beekeepers can come along and, if nothing else, learn some tips from each other.”
Among the speakers on the programme are Michelle Taylor from Plant and Food Research, who will discuss a range of topics pertaining to varroa, Prof. Phil Lester from Victoria University of Wellington on RNA interference to control varroa, John Mackay of dnature on PCR testing of AFB, Ian Fletcher on honey exports and the European Union free trade deal, and Mark Tweeddale with practical beekeeping tips.
Lorimer says they hope to have expert speaker on hydrogen powered trucks too, while she will introduce the Honey Characterisation Project which her, Mark Goodwin and Sarah Cross are undertaking to try and identify honey varieties via their nectar make up.
Also on the agenda is an update on NZBI’s consultation regarding the AFB PMP review. Lorimer says they plan to present some of the feedback they have got from beekeepers, have an open discussion regarding key issues, and outline their next step in the process.
For NZBI members entry is free, for non-members it is $50. Hautapu Hall can hold a maximum of 150 people and, while registrations may be available in person on the morning of the event, Lorimer recommends beekeepers get in early and register online so as not to miss out.
Programme and registration are available at: